A Unique Arrival: Baby Born With Seven Teeth Surprises Medical Community

In a one-of-a-kind occurrence that astounded doctors and family alike, a newborn baby in India made quite an entrance into the world with an unexpected and rare feature: seven fully grown teeth in his lower gums. This remarkable case, a medical anomaly, left medical experts in awe and wonder.

On June 30th in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Western India, Prayan Sharma entered the world with a jaw-dropping surprise. His parents, Nikita Sharma, 31, and Harish Sharma, 31, didn’t notice this extraordinary trait until their baby boy was ten days old.

Harish, who works for a local software company, recounted the unusual discovery: “Shortly after my son was born, he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to an infection, so my wife couldn’t breastfeed at first. When he was eventually reunited with my wife, and she tried to breastfeed him, she noticed something in his mouth.”

Harish added with amazement, “We never thought a child could be born with one tooth, let alone seven.”

Dr. Meet Ramatri, a pediatric dentist at Child Dental Care in Ahmedabad, explained that there is no specific reason why a baby is born with teeth. This particular case, however, was a first in the medical community. He elaborated, “It’s rare that babies are born with one tooth, but never seven teeth. The teeth had to be removed to avoid any risk to the baby swallowing or choking on them.”

As Nikita continued to struggle with breastfeeding and noticed that her baby’s teeth had become loose, Harish consulted with a pediatric dentist. Over the course of three days and two separate visits, Dr. Ramatri and his team performed two procedures.

To ensure the baby’s safety during the operation, a local anesthetic was administered because the boy was too small for general anesthesia. This precautionary measure aimed to prevent any potential risks if the teeth were to fall out, which could result in swallowing and choking hazards.

In the initial surgery, four teeth were extracted, with the remaining three removed during the second procedure.

According to the National Institute of Health, babies born with teeth, a condition referred to as “natal teeth,” are exceptionally rare, occurring in only one out of every 3,000 births. In each instance, the teeth must be removed to prevent any possibility of the child swallowing them should they fall out.

Little Prayan Sharma’s unique entry into the world has left his family and the medical community both surprised and fascinated. His story serves as a reminder that every birth is a unique and miraculous event, with its own set of wonders and mysteries.

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