Doubling Down with the Derricos: Raising a Family of 14

HIGH LOAD We spend £2,500 per month on food and use 20 rolls of lavatory paper per week, so I am fortunate to be able to support my 14 children

Raising a large family can be both an incredible adventure and a monumental challenge. For Kren and Deon Derrico of Las Vegas, this adventure took an unexpected turn when they welcomed not one, but four sets of multiples into their lives. Now, the Derrico family, consisting of 14 children, is taking center stage in the TLC television series, “Doubling Down with the Derricos.”

The Derricos’ remarkable journey into parenthood began with the arrival of their eldest child, Drin. From there, their family quickly expanded with Derick, Dallas, and Denver. However, it was the subsequent arrivals that truly astonished them. Tt Dwsyn, De’ren, and Dyver celebrated their first birthday recently, marking a year of joy and chaos in equal measure.




Adding to the whirlwind, the Derricos then welcomed twins Diez and Dior, followed by quintuplets Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, and Daician. The most recent additions to the family are triplets Diez and Dior.

The couple’s journey took an unexpected turn when they discovered they were expecting quadruplets during their third pregnancy. While the early symptoms hinted at a challenging pregnancy, it was during a visit to the doctor that the shocking truth was revealed. Deon recalled the moment, saying, “You can only imagine how shocked we were to discover that was the fifth. Even after two days, we are still in one of the first four positions.”


Kren required specialized medical care during her pregnancy, leading to a stay in Mesa, Arizona. Despite the challenges, the Derricos welcomed their healthy quints into the world.

Life in the Derrico household is nothing short of extraordinary, and the TLC reality show offers a glimpse into their daily lives. The show captures the family’s dynamics and the unique responsibilities they face, particularly when Kren requires bed rest for 24 weeks during her pregnancy with Tt.



As Kren’s pregnancy progresses, Deon ensures that everything runs smoothly, but concerns loom as the family navigates the complexities of multiple births. Yet, amid the chaos, one thing remains clear—the unwavering love and care the Derrico parents have for their children.



“Doubling Down with the Derricos” promises to be a heartwarming and insightful journey into the life of this extraordinary family. While their story is marked by extraordinary circumstances, at its core, it’s a testament to the boundless love and dedication of parents who wouldn’t have it any other way.





Hits: 13

Be Tien