Grade 5 Olympiad – Tuyển chọn câu hỏi Olympiad lớp 5

Grade 5 Olympiad

week 1

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(1) In a community, two neighbours have rectangular backyards having the same area of 500sq. meter. If the width of first backyard is 5 meter and the width of second backyard is 50 meters, find which backyard will require more fencing and by how much?

a. First, more by 45 meter

b. Second, more by 90 meter

c. Second, more by 45 meter

d. First, more by 90 meter

(2) If A > D, D > B and B > C. Which of the following is definitely wrong?

a. A > C        b. D > C
c. A > B        d. C > A

Fill in the blanks

(3) Dylan mixed some single digit numbers in the box shown below. 

is the fraction representing the total number of 2’s among the given numbers.

(4) There are ………….. triangles in the figure shown below.

(5) The sum of two numbers is 10343. If one of the addends is 6085 greater than the other addend, then the larger addend is ……………

Answer the questions

(6) What is the area of the shaded region in the given figure?

(7) Sarah finishes her work at 01:45 PM. She walks for 7 minutes to go to the store near the office and spends 26 minutes there. From there she walks for 16 minutes to get to the ice-cream parlor and spends 6 minutes there. She then walks for 8 minutes to the bus stop and boards a bus which drops her home at 5:05 PM. How long was her bus journey?

(8) A college with 7102 students had a teacher for every 134 students last year. This year, 241 students joined the college and 219 students left. Similarly, 9 teachers left the college, and 8 teachers joined. What is the new ratio of the teacher to students (number of students per teacher)?

(9) What do you get when you divide 0.3222 by 0.06?

(10) A box contains 8 red balls and n purple balls. Each of the ball is marked with a distinct integer between 1 and 190 inclusive. The sum of the numbers on two balls is the value of that pair of balls. What is the least number of purple balls in the box such that at least two pairs, consisting of one purple and one red ball, have the same value?

Week 2

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(1) How many triangles are there in the figure below ?

a. 26         b. 28
c. 32         d. 34

(2) How many small cubes are required to create this solid shape?

a. 63          b. 64
c. 62         d. 65

(3) If ♥ × 2 = ♦
♦ − ♥ = 60,
then what is the value of ♦ + ♥ ?
a. 180        b. 300
c. 120        d. 60

a. 11         b. 8
c. 10        d. 9

Fill in the blanks

(5) 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 ….

The 16th term of the series is …………

(6) There are three possible modes of transportation in a state. We can travel by rail, by river, or by road. The state has 1980 km of rail, 5850 km of river, and 10710 km of road. Taking the three ratios (distance covered by the networks of rail:river, river:road, and rail:road), the value of the highest consequent is ………….. .

(7) In a store, the workers start their work daily at 07:45 AM and end at 05:00 PM. They get a break of 50 minutes to have lunch and two coffee breaks of 20 minutes each. The simplest form of ratio of the time they spend working to the time of their breaks is ………….. : ………………..

(8) Jacob has 3 pairs of white socks and 5 pairs of green socks. All the socks are in a bag. If Jacob picks the socks without looking at them, he has to remove …………… socks from the bag before he can be sure that he has a pair of green color.

Answer the questions

(9) Daniel and Logan start walking to school at the same time every morning. The ratio of the distance of Daniel’s house to the school and Logan’s house to the school is 8:11. If they both reach school at the same time, what is the ratio of the walking speed of Daniel and Logan?

Week 3

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices
(1) If ♥ > ●, ● > ♠ and ♠ > ♦. Which of the following is definitely wrong?
a. ♥ > ♦        b. ♥ > ♠
c. ♦ > ♥        d. ● > ♦

(2) If ‘÷’ means ‘-’, ‘+’ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘+’ and ‘-’ means ‘×’ find the value of expression:
19 ÷ 24 + 8 × 19 – 18 =

a. 358        b. 361
c. 377        d. 357

(3) In a given number, if you move some digit one place to the right, then the place value of that digit changes by a factor of:

a. 1/10           b. 1/100
c. 1                 d. 0

(4) Riley gets paid daily for the work she does and she does not work on Sundays. Last year which was not a leap year had 52 Sundays. She got $ 177471 as her annual salary last year. If the December of last year had 4 Sundays, how much did she earn in that month?

a. $ 15309       b. $ 17577
c. $ 14742       d. $ 17010

(5) The ratio of the weight of Kevin to that of his friend Alexander is 6:13. Alexander goes on a diet and loses 6 kg and now the ratio of their weights is 6:11. How much does Alexander weigh now?

a. 18      b. 38
c. 44     d. 33

Answer the questions

(6) A box contains white balls and pink balls. Each of the ball is marked with a distinct integer between and inclusive. The sum of the numbers on two balls is the value of that pair of balls. What is the least number of pink balls in the box such that at least two pairs, consisting of one pink and one white ball, have the same value?

(7) Caleb is arranging the tiles as shown below, if he continues it the same way, how many tiles will be there in the next column of grey tiles?

(8) Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table. E is sitting between D and B, F is sitting between A and C. If C is sitting on the left of D, who is sitting between F and D?

(9) Caleb, Megan, Abigail, and Hannah are playing cards. They are sitting such that all of them sit in four different directions (North, South, East, and West) and face the center. The partners will always face each other. Caleb and Megan are partners. If Megan is facing south, and Abigail is sitting towards the right-hand side of Megan, which direction is Hannah facing?

(10) If ♠ × 6 = ♦, and ♦ − ♠ = 300, then what is the value of ♦ + ♠ ?

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