Jonathan, the World’s Oldest Tortoise, Celebrates His Remarkable 190th Birthday

Jonathan is the longest living turtle in the world, this turtle is 190 years old

In a world that’s ever-changing, one remarkable creature has remained a steadfast presence through the ages. Meet Jonathan, the world’s oldest living land animal, who has just earned yet another Guinness World Records title as he celebrated his 190th birthday this year. Jonathan is not just any tortoise; he is the oldest chelonian ever recorded, a category that encompasses turtles, terrapins, and tortoises of all kinds.

Jonathan’s journey through time is awe-inspiring. Born around 1832, he has witnessed the world transform in ways unimaginable when he first graced the Earth with his presence. From the invention of the first photograph to the historic first telephone call and the creation of the incandescent lightbulb, Jonathan has stood as an unchanging witness to human innovation.

This remarkable tortoise’s life is closely intertwined with the island of St. Helena, where he arrived from the Seychelles in 1882. An old photograph from the late 19th century provides a glimpse of a fully grown Jonathan, grazing peacefully on the grounds of Plantation House, the residence of the Governor of St. Helena. This photograph further supports his estimated age and reveals the enduring connection he has with his island home.

Jonathan is not alone on St. Helena; he shares his days with three other giant tortoises: David, Emma, and Fred. Despite the passing of 31 governors since he first came to the island, Jonathan’s presence remains a symbol of persistence in the face of change.

In the company of his vet, Joe Hollins, Jonathan continues to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, including soaking up the sun and savoring his favorite treats like cabbage, cucumber, carrot, apple, and seasonal fruits. Banana may be a bit challenging for him due to his age, but he doesn’t let that deter his zest for life.

Though some of his senses may have dimmed over the years, Jonathan’s vigor for life remains impressive. His libido is as strong as ever, and he often engages in mating with his companions, Emma and sometimes Fred, proving that age is just a number even for the world’s oldest tortoise.

As we marvel at the longevity and resilience of Jonathan, we are reminded not only of the incredible span of his life but also of the importance of preserving the natural world and its extraordinary inhabitants. Jonathan’s 190th birthday is not just a celebration of a remarkable individual but also a call to protect and conserve the species he represents.

So, here’s to Jonathan, the venerable tortoise who has seen the world change around him while he remains a timeless testament to the enduring wonders of the natural world. May his 190th year be filled with joy and plenty of his favorite treats, as we celebrate this living legend of the animal kingdom.

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