The Baby Has An Amazing Weight.

Ali Medlock, Jennifer Medlock’s newborn son, is the heaviest baby ever born at Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital in Arlington, Texas.
Jennifer and Eric Medlock knew they were expecting a large child. Jennifer gave birth to a 14-pound, 13-ounce son named Ali James Medlock on December 12, 2018, surprising the couple.

On December 12, the mother of two and her husband Eric welcomed their son at Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital. Jennifer stated that Ali was the largest baby delivered by the doctor in his 30-year career.
The proud mother predicted that her son would weigh around ten pounds, the same as her now two-year-old daughter.
She was taken aback when Ali was more than four pounds heavier.

“We weren’t expecting 14 pounds,” she explained. “No one did.”
Ali was born via scheduled cesarean section and was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit due to low blood sugar and platelet counts, which Jennifer attributes to his size.

During the conversation, Eric stated that Jennifer did not have gestational diabetes, a disease that, if not treated properly, can cause a baby to grow quite large in utero. He recovered quickly and was released on December 19, and both mom and baby are doing well.
As her due date approached, Jennifer posted photos of her growing baby belly on Facebook.
“Ali is going to be a big boy!” said one friend.

Jennifer responded, “He certainly is!” But she may not have expected him to set records.
The average newborn weighs seven and a half pounds at birth, according to American Pregnancy. In 1955, the heaviest baby born to a healthy mother weighed 22 pounds, 8 ounces.

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