The Boy with the Most Incredible Weight Transformation: Aria Permana’s Remarkable Journey

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 2.

At the tender age of 10, Aria Permana from Indonesia found himself in the spotlight for an unusual reason – his weight. He weighed nearly 200 kg, earning him the label of “the fattest boy in the world.” But Aria’s story has taken a remarkable turn since then, showcasing the incredible power of determination, resilience, and transformation.

Born in 2006 in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia, Aria’s life began as any other child’s, with a weight of just 3.8 kg. However, by the age of 4, his weight began to escalate rapidly. By the time he was 8, Aria tipped the scales at over 70 kg, eventually reaching a staggering 196 kg at the age of 10 – a body weight many times that of his peers.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 1.

Aria’s struggle with excessive weight was primarily due to an unchecked eating habit, particularly his fondness for instant noodles and sugary soft drinks. This burden became so immense that by the third grade, Aria found himself immobile, leading to his heartbreaking departure from school at the age of 9.

But Aria’s life was about to change. Determined to reclaim his health and mobility, he embarked on a journey to shed the weight that had once imprisoned him. A strict diet of fruits and vegetables coupled with exercise and swimming gradually began to yield results. Within a month, Aria had shed 6 kg. Encouraged by these initial gains, doctors performed stomach reduction surgery, curbing his appetite further. Astonishingly, Aria shed an impressive 16 kg within two weeks of the surgery.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 3.

While undergoing treatment for his weight at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Aria had a serendipitous encounter with professional bodybuilder Ade Rai. Rai’s guidance and support, coupled with numerous surgeries to remove excess skin, helped Aria completely transform his life. Over a span of four years, Aria shed a staggering 110 kg. At 17 years old, he emerged as a transformed individual, capable of participating in various sports and resuming his studies.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 4.

Aria’s outward appearance underwent a significant change, reflecting his newfound lease on life. His journey also turned him into a motivational figure, encouraging children and parents to adopt healthier lifestyles. His story resonates with those grappling with obesity, inspiring hope for a better and healthier future.

Through his perseverance, Aria Permana has not only shed his excess weight but also the label that once defined him. The boy once dubbed “the fattest boy in the world” has become a symbol of resilience, transformation, and the potential for change. His story stands as a testament to the power of determination, offering a beacon of hope for countless individuals facing similar struggles.

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