The Transformation of Self: Embracing Motherhood


There was a time in my life when I chose to wear sweatpants as a statement of comfort. Today, those same sweatpants symbolize something entirely different—they symbolize survival. The days of leisurely waking up, brewing a pot of coffee, and contemplating how to spend my free time have become distant memories. Why? Because I’ve embraced the beautiful, transformative role of motherhood.

Before becoming a mother, I had more time for myself. I could immerse myself in my interests and hobbies, enjoy spontaneous date nights with my wife, and savor occasional moments of celebration. Then came the life-altering news—I was going to be a parent.RAWHERE NEWS

The journey from discovering my pregnancy to giving birth was a breathtaking transformation. The nausea, preparation, physical changes, and the growing belly were challenging, but they were also awe-inspiring reminders of the miraculous process my body was undergoing. These experiences provided solace during the toughest days of pregnancy.

Even while expecting, I continued to live my life as if nothing had changed. I worked long hours, coached, volunteered as a firefighter in my community, and traveled. I was determined to remain myself. Little did I know that I was about to embark on a journey that would redefine my identity.


During this transitional period, I had to adapt my lifestyle to accommodate pregnancy. I had to let go of certain activities, such as sprinting into burning buildings, and adjust my routines to account for my growing belly. I found new ways to participate, even if it meant swapping my after-work cocktail for club soda.

I was determined not to lose my identity just because I was becoming a mother. However, life had other plans for me. I had no choice but to transform.


Many people warned me that this transition would be challenging, but no one prepared me for the profound shift I would experience. No one told me that it was okay to find this journey difficult. That realization came later—I was meant to change, to evolve, to grow.

I had finally embraced my changing body and lifestyle when I gave birth, only to find myself back at square one. Holding my daughter in my arms, I felt an overwhelming sense of purpose and love, but I also felt disoriented.


The days and weeks that followed forced me to confront a crucial question: Who am I, apart from being a mother? What are my passions, besides endlessly discussing my child? My partner—what about my partner? My identity seemed to have shifted from Jackie to Mommy.

The strain on a couple’s relationship after becoming parents is undeniable, and I can attest that my wife is a saint for navigating those early months with grace and love. Her unwavering support, even when I was wearing three-day-old sweatpants, was a gift that helped me find my way through the fog of new motherhood.


Crossing over into this new phase, I feel liberated. I am not the same person I used to be; I am stronger, more resilient, and, most importantly, a mother. While I now choose to wear sweatpants consciously, I’d rather spend my time cherishing moments with my family than worrying about the perfect outfit. I no longer have the luxury of leisurely mornings, but I have the privilege of cuddling my daughter for as long as I want. Motherhood, I’ve discovered, is the purest form of self-discovery.

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Be Tien