Top 5 Spectacularly Amazing, Unusual Natural Events That Occur on Earth

1. Supercell

Location: Supercells can form anywhere in the world if the appropriate weather conditions

already exist, although they are most often in the Great Plains of the United States, namely in

the Tornado Alley region, as well as in the Tornado Corridor of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil.


A mesocyclone, a deep, continually revolving updraft, is what makes a supercell the most dangerous and lethal

of all thunderstorms. These storms are frequently referred to as revolving thunderstorms because of this.

Supercell thunderstorms are frequently isolated from other thunderstorms and can control the local weather for up to 32 km (20 mi).

Supercells come in many shapes and sizes, whether they have low or high peaks.

They frequently create heavy downbursts, torrential rain, powerful winds, and enormous amounts of hail.

Although approximately 30% or fewer supercells actually produce tornadoes within the mesocyclone, they are one of the few cloud forms that do.

2. Volcanic Lightning

source: gifrific, text source: discovery

Location: Volcanic Eruptions

A volcanic plume’s ability to produce lightning is what causes a filthy thunderstorm, also known as volcanic lightning.

Carlos Gutierrez captured a well-known image of the occurrence, which took place in Chile over the Chaiten Volcano.

Other incidents have been reported above the volcanoes in Iceland and Alaska, Mount Augustine and Eyjafjallajökull, respectively.

The researchers propose that charge separation causes volcanic lightning. Regions of opposing but separated electrical charges form

as positively charged ejecta ascends to the sky.Nature uses a lightning bolt to balance the charge distribution. The similar process is

believed to occur in typical thunderstorms. Smaller eruptions are frequently accompanied by smaller storms, which can be challenging

to see through dense ash clouds. Additionally, the commencement of an eruption is when lightning activity is at its peak,

making it much harder to record on camera.

3. Aurora borealis (Northern Lights)

source: yourlisten Text source:


Location: Overlooking the Earth’s magnetic poles in the north and south (Polar regions)

The electrically charged solar particles that reach the earth’s atmosphere collide to produce the aurora’s vibrant, dancing lights.

Because of the different types of gas particles involved in these collisions, their colors vary. About 60 miles above the surface of

the earth, oxygen molecules form the pale yellowish-green hue that is the most typical auroral color. At altitudes of up to 200 miles,

high-altitude oxygen causes rare, all-red auroras to appear. The aurora produced by nitrogen is blue or purplish-red.Scientists have

discovered that northern and southern auroras frequently appear simultaneously as mirror images with similar forms and colors.

Northern lights have been spotted as far south as New Orleans in the western hemisphere because to the phenomenon’s proximity

to the magnetic poles, although similar places in the east never see the enigmatic lights. The Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories,

and Alaska are some of Canada’s northwest regions where you may see the northern lights the best (in North America).

The northern and southern auroras frequently appear simultaneously as mirror images with comparable shapes and hues,

according to scientists. Due to the phenomenon’s proximity to the magnetic poles, northern lights have been seen as far south as

New Orleans in the western hemisphere, whereas equivalent locations in the east never see the enigmatic lights. Some of Canada’s

northwest places where you might see the northern lights the best are Alaska, Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories (in North America).

4. Bioluminescence

Bioluminescent jelly fish gif –  source: tumblr,  Text source: matadornetwork


Locations include: Australia’s Gippsland Lakes; the United States’ Manasquan Beach (NJ), Mission Bay, Torrey Pines Beach (San Diego, CA)

, and Cortez (FL); the Caribbean’s Luminous Lagoon and Mosquito Bay; Asia’s Halong Bay and Ton Sai; Thailand’s Krabi; Japan’s Toyama Bay;

and Europe’s Zeebrugge and Norfolk. The Indian Ocean’s Reethi (Maldives)

In only a few specific settings is it possible to produce bioluminescence. It is an algae bloom-produced luminescence. Millions of the bioluminescent

dinoflagellates are carried by and supported by the blooms. Dinoflagellates use bioluminescence as a defense mechanism to elude predators.

You need to be in an area without lights to see bioluminescence because it can only actually be seen in complete darkness. Every time they are disturbed,

the plankton briefly light up. Boats often produce the most dramatic effects, where the bigger the disturbance, the brighter the glow.

There are many phytoplankton species that bioluminesce, as well as some jellyfish species, and the light can be seen year-round in oceans all over the world.

Dinoflagellates are single-celled organisms, although some of them may be seen with the human eye due to their size. They appear to be glitter when they

wash up on beaches. Your footsteps will illuminate when you step on them.

5. Lenticular Clouds

realityzone, text source: crystalinks


Location: Depending on the formation conditions, it can be found anywhere on Earth.

Technically referred to as altocumulus standing lenticularis, lenticular clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high

altitudes and are typically oriented at a right-angle to the wind. Large-scale standing waves may form on the downwind side of a mountain

range or other area where stable moist air is flowing. A wave cloud is a phenomenon that develops when lenticular clouds are organized

into long threads. Due to their distinctive lens-like appearance and smooth saucer-like form, lenticular clouds have been mistaken for UFOs (or “visual cover” for UFOs).

SOURCE: 22 Miraculously Awesome Rare Natural Phenomena That Occur on Earth InyMiny (

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