Touching story of an old dog who shed tears of joy when he saw his best friend being discharged from the army

We’ve seen countless videos of owners and their pets reuniting over the years, and we can’t help but marvel at how wonderful they are. This photo depicts an emotional reunion between a Golden Retriever and his owner. It will undoubtedly break your heart and move you to tears.

Prepare your tissues, because this is truly heartwarming.
Buddy is 13 years old. The golden retriever has lived his entire life with his best friend Hannah Foraker. Hannah joined the army after turning 21 and attended basic training in Oklahoma. Hannah’s heart ached as she said goodbye to her canine companion and her horse Derby. Hannah was overjoyed to see Buddy again when she returned home for Christmas after three months of basic training. Buddy’s joy and excitement were palpable when he saw Hannah again.

Buddy and Hannah have been together since he was a puppy. Buddy is now very old, suffering from arthritis and nearly deaf, but that doesn’t stop him from welcoming Hannah with open arms. He buries his head in Hannah’s lap and bursts into tears of joy the moment he sees her after three months apart. Hannah is moved and begins to caress her dear friend.

“When we opened the front door, he ran out to greet me and my family, but then he turned around and returned to me,” Foraker explained. Buddy, as you can see, exemplifies how devoted dogs are. They never forget their loved ones and give them “unconditional love”. That is why we must look after our best friends, as they are both our friends and family.

You can watch Buddy and his owner’s emotional reunion in the video below.

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Au Gia Lam