In the realm of unconventional family dynamics, Joshua Fisher and his wife Bee have taken it up a notch. While most families might find the chaos of three small children enough to keep them busy, the Fishers decided to throw two giant dogs into the mix. This unique family from California has captured the hearts of the internet by showcasing the heartwarming bond between their three sons and their two bear-like Newfoundland dogs.

Originally entertaining the idea of getting a horse, Joshua Fisher eventually settled for a large dog. After careful research on suitable breeds for children, the couple decided on Newfoundlands. These gentle giants can weigh more than 126 pounds and measure up to six feet from nose to tail. Little did the Fishers know that their choice would lead them on an adventure quite unlike any other.

In 2014, the family adopted Ralphie, a one-year-old Newfoundland, who quickly became an inseparable part of their clan. However, the allure of one large dog was surpassed by the desire for more canine companionship. In 2015, they welcomed another one-year-old Newfoundland, Boss, into their family.

The shock of encountering these massive dogs in person was not lost on the Fishers. Bee recounted their first meeting, saying, “When we first saw the older dogs, we were shocked and we were laughing.” Despite their size, the Fishers found themselves captivated by these gentle giants. Even after Ralphie’s arrival, Joshua managed to convince Bee that another dog would be a welcomed addition.

Their three sons—Lenox, Cruz, and Tegan—have forged unique relationships with these giant dogs. While Lenox enjoys relaxing with them and using them as comfy cushions, three-year-old Cruz engages in playful interactions, poking and prodding at their furry friends. Even eight-month-old Tegan, who is not yet crawling, is anticipated to join in on the explorations with his furry companions.

Ralphie, weighing 125 pounds, and Boss, tipping the scales at 160 pounds and expected to reach 190 pounds at full size, are not only massive but also gentle and loving. The family’s photos showcase the bond they share with their children, often becoming the dogs’ cozy resting spots. The Fishers find their pets’ celebrity status amusing, as people constantly want to take photos or pet the dogs whenever they’re out and about.

Though these giant dogs bring immense joy, there are practical challenges too. As Joshua shared, “They slobber on work clothes – they shake their heads and it goes flying everywhere.” Managing the drool and constant shedding requires emergency towels around the house. However, the Fishers firmly believe that the challenges are worth the incredible companionship and love their unique family members bring.

From the heartwarming interactions between their sons and dogs to the extraordinary challenges and joys they experience daily, the Fisher family’s story truly sets a new standard for babysitting and unconventional care.