What do you know about cesarean mothers?

Mother of Caesarean section….
A cold room, a single mom, doctors and nurses talking over breakfast.

Turn on, probe, anesthesia.
Anxiety overflows the chest for months to meet the baby of your dreams.

The Cesarean mother, a brave woman. Believe me, anyone who is willing to undergo this surgery is undoubtedly a brave woman.
For those who think C-section is less painful, I invite you to imagine the post-surgical feeling after a 10 cm incision on the skin and a smaller one in the uterus, cutting eight layers of tissue on the way.

The mother by cesarean suffers pain for days, months and is scarred for a lifetime with the scar that gave life to her son.
The cesarean usually waits 12 hours after birth to be able to carry her child into her arms for the first time. He gets up from bed and feels the pain of the person who donated the body to his son.
The cesarean mother goes home after surgery, all stitched, gets up and feels pain, coughs and feels pain, laughs and feels pain, but the cesarean mom takes care of her newborn son day and night.
And after everything has passed, the cesarean mother looks at her son and concludes: “It was worth it!” ”
And all of the above needed to happen to bring my daughter into the world safe and sound.

If you’re a mom via cesarean…. you are also very strong and brave, more than you imagine and think….. Definitely feel very happy and proud.

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